Sunday, April 6, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 4 Conclusion

Despite being a 2002 game, I actually prefer to play it over some of the "best" modern games around. The lore within the game is simply rich and amazing. The story was the beginning of World of Warcraft for goodness sake! Warcraft 3 was literally Starcraft 2 mashed up with World of Warcraft meaning the gameplay mechanics is very overwhelming with fun and intensity. To add more fuel to a fire in a good way, the graphics and voice acting were pretty damn amazing. The corpses and the interactions seemed very realistic to the fact that I actually had a dream where I was a footman in Hearthglen fighting off the undead. Nevertheless, this game kept me entertained for a long time thus deserving a 10 out of 10.
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 3 Multiplayer

Warcraft 3 is not only a single player game of course. In order to qualify as a Blizzard game, it must have multiplayer and it must be intensive as HELL. Noticed that I emphasize the hell part. Because it is. When playing a map created by Blizzard against a another players, my macro and micro skill increased by like a 100 times. Originally at the campaign, I usually click on the buttons and place it whatever. Also, I mass produced a certain unit and use it until the mission was complete. When playing against a player, I literally memorized the hot keys of all the units and structures of the night elves and I knew which unit can counter which unit. During the entire match, I noticed myself screaming on the top of my lungs, breaking my right mouse button, and slapping the keyboard constantly. I played a match against a player by the name of eViL_sAnDbOx. He was actually pretty good and really chill dude considering he tried to rush me using catapults and raiders (tier 2 units and tier 2 units = a long time to build) and he let me use the restroom since I apparently had diarrhea that day. That means he literally wasted 12 seconds doing something else other than researching upgrades, gathering resources, building structures, and spawning in units before he tried to rush me. Fortunately, my dudes were chilling at the center trying to get some mana when evil rushed in with raiders and catapults.

His troops consisted of a couple of grunts and troll headhunters, a kodo beast, two raiders, two catapults, and a level 1 hero... Obviously his units was prep for massive base destruction so he can finish me off quickly if I was busy teching thus instant win. My units on the other hand were somewhat solid. I had a level four hero with tier 2 mana burn so can quickly render heros or units that uses mana useless, a couple of archers for range attacks, huntresses to hit multiple troops at the same time with the Moonglaive upgrade, druids of the claw for the regeneration ability and bear form so they can soak up some damage and tank.

After pooping, I went back to game. Hero is killed quickly and almost all melee units are dead
After a 2nd poop, I dove back into the game feeling much better.  All of my bears are dead... Oh damn, they are trying to flank me!


After killing everyone, I rushed to his base with what I have. When I got there, he literally tried to kill my force with his swarming masses of peons. But in the end, there was only a smoldering mass of rubble and my night elves emerged victorious.  

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part E World Editor and Custom Games

Other following the story line multiple times, players can ditch away the hardcore strategies and immerse themselves in fun custom games that the Warcraft 3 community created by using a program that comes with the game called World Editor. Within the World Editor, anything could happen. The maps created in World Editor range from the simple maps with the hardcore mechanics of every Warcraft 3 mission and classic map to very complex and scripted maps that is basically an arena, a role-playing game, a maze, etc. 
World Edit
While goofing around, I came across one of the classic maps called Death Sheep. I had no idea what is the purpose, so I was like "Why the hell not?" I clicked test map and that button changed my life forever. The game WAS INTENSE AS HELL. I can only move to four spots to dodge an endless wave of sheep that takes away a life upon contact. There isn't only one type of sheep, there are a crap ton to my knowledge. 
- Regular sheep: just goes in one direction
- Crazy sheep: goes in multiple direction thus constantly changing the path it suppose to take
- Fat Sheep: Not sure what is does, but I think it takes away two lives instead of the normal one life. If not, then it just occupies a lot of space. Bigger sheep = Less space to move = closer to death.
- A pig?: I have no idea why the hell there is a pig but apparently it works like a regular sheep. 
Crap ton of sheep heading your way? Don't worry, use the special move to kill them all.

Damn, lost a life

After losing all your lives, you are now being mauled viciously by sheep.
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part D Night Elf Campaign

Night Elf Campaign's menu
The story went back in time to when stupid Grom and his clan of stupid orcs recently slaughtered Cenarius. Shandris Feathermoon and her Shadowleaf Sentinels ran to Tyrande Whisperwind and informed her of Cenarius' death. Other than killing the patron god for the night elves, the orcs apparently were corrupting wildlife. While being informed, Tyrande sensed a growing evil. Shandris suggested it may be the orcs, but Tyrande said that there was a darker power than the orcs. Still pissed off, Tyrande rounded the Sentinels to attack a joint base of human and orcs nearby. During the campaign, Tyrande encountered a group of furbolgs escaping the corruption. She helped them and in return, she got a Furbolg Champion and two handy Furbolgs to join her forces. 
While Tyrande was attacking the camp, hordes of undead swarmed the base, and the base was utterly destroyed. Tyrande tried to retreat, but the numbers were too massive. The undead caught up to them and it was revealed that the leader bore a name no one wants to hear ever: Archimonde. Archimonde killed her force and Tyrande escaped to the shadows by using the power of Elune. Not very happy, Archimonde ordered his doom guards to seek and destroy Tyrande. Knowing Archimonde is here, Tyrande rushed stealthily to the Shadowleaf encampement that was across the river. Since there are undead and demons everywhere, Tyrande must awaken the over-powered elves known as the druids, especially an over-powered druid, Malfurion Stormrage. Tyrande rushed to Moonglade. When she got there, Tichondrius and his company was hacking away trees to pay a visit to Malfurion Stormrage and the thing to wake up Malfurion, the Horn of Cenarius, was blocked by idiots.


 To save Malfurion, Tyrande killed all the idiots, took the horn, and blew into the horn to awaken the sleepy head. After waking up, Malfurion predicted that Archimonde is here to attack the Nordrassil, the World Tree and absorb the energy from the tree so he can have god-like powers. Obviously, they needed more homies to defend the tree, so the two lovers head to Winterspring to awaken the Druids of the Talon from their den. When they arrived, Tyrande and Malfurion encounter the same tribe of furbolgs that Tyrande helped before she attacked the joint base of humans and orcs. Unfortunately, the tribe was corrupted so the duo were forced to slaughter them. After waking the Druids of the Talon, Malfurion and Tyrande went to the base of Mount Hyjal to awaken more homies, the Druids of the Claw. While doing so, they came upon an eleven door and noticed that this door led to the imprisoned Illidan (first letter is an i while the two letters behind it are l's) Stormrage. Tyrande thought Illidan was a perfect ally against the demons, but Malfurion was against the freeing of his own brother. tyrande went her own way to free Illidan and Malfurion continues to free his homies.

I am not sure if this is an Easter egg or anything like that but I came across this...
After killing the Watchers and defying Maiev Shadowsong, Illidan's warden, Tyrande finally found Illidan and offers him a deal. Illidan goes free, but he must fight for the night elves and go against the demons. Illidan, still in love with Tyrande even though his brother is her mate and been trapped for a VERY long time (I think ten thousand years?), accepts the deal but he said that he would fight against the Burning Legion not for the pride of the night elves. After Illidan was freed, Tyrande took Illidan and met Malfurion. Malfurion was seriously against this and said that the world is screwed now or something similar to that. Pissed off, Illidan went to Felwood to go kill demons. While tracking demons, Illidan encounter Arthas (the corrupted one) and fought against him. After fighting, Illidan stopped the duel because the duel was pointless and demanded why Arthas is here. Arthas just said 


After going around and bashing all the demons he could find, Illidan found the skull and took it for himself. In an isntant, Illidan became a demon demon-hunter dude. He went around and finished off Tichondrius. When Tichondrius was defeated, Tyrande and Malfurion came to Felwood to check out Illidan and was horrified to find out that Illidan was jacked up with demonic power. Malfurion banished Illidan from the forest FOREVERRRRRRRR! Soon, the duo went to Ashenvale to chill, but they met the leaders of the outsiders: Jaina and Thrall. (Ring a bell?). Tyrande tried to shoo them away but Medivh, as always, appeared out of nowhere and told everyone that the Burning Legion is too o.p. (over-powered). 

He said that everyone must band together and fight against the Burning Legion. Since Archimonde wants to absorb the energies of Nordrassil, The joint force of orcs, humans, and night elves set up defenses for a last stand. Soon, the Burning Legion came and all was hell.



After fighting like hell for thirty minutes, Archimonde destroys everything and runs up the tree. I don't know how but Malfurion was able to fight off hordes of demons and undead and set up a trap that can kill Archimonde at the same time. Nevertheless, Archimonde gets himself killed like an idiot and  that ends the campaign for Warcraft 3. 

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part C Orc Campaign

Orc Campaign Menu
After Dalaran was destroyed by Acrhimonde, the story shifts over to Thrall and his horde as they crashed into Kalimdor. After exploring Kalimdor, finding more horde, and fighting against bizarre wildlife, Thrall met a new friend, Cairne Bloodhoof. Soon, an army of centaurs was about to attack Cairne's villiage, so Thrall decided to help out Cairne.
Risk your life and everyone else's to help out an old talking cow you just met? Why the hell not? Thrall's awesome logic. 
 After the centaurs were all dead, The duo noticed that the centaurs were huge dicks for they scared all the game away thus an attempt to starve the tauren. Since the tauren do not want to die, Cairne and his people are forced to abandon their homes and travel to Mulgore. Thrall and Cairne struck a deal. Thrall escorts Cairne and his people to Mulgore and Cairne will show Thrall where the Oracle is. As a tauren of his word, Cairne told Thrall that the Oracle he seeks is in Stonetalon Peak. Thrall went to the base of Stonetalon Peak, and he was very surprised to see his friend, Grom Hellscream, and his Warsong clan battling humans. Knowing that humans have basically took the entire pass, Thrall tried to get goblins to fly them to the top. When Thrall was about to buy zepplins, Grom rushed into combat like an idiot. Pissed off, Thrall ordered Grom to stay at Ashenvale. As Thrall went up the mountain, he again was surprised to find Cairne goofing around. Cairne suggested that they hijack wyverns from happies that love to kidnap stuff. After freeing the wyverns, the wyverns offer aid to the horde thus the horde were able to defeat the humans guarding the peak. Thrall and Cairne entered the mountain and found the chamber of the Oracle. They were surprised for the billionth time. Jaina was there and the Oracle was Medivh. After a conversation, Thrall found out that the blood thirsty Grom became corrupted again from drinking demon blood and seriously pissed off the night elves by killing their patron god, Cenarius. With the help of Cairne, Thrall fought through corrupted orcs and demons until he met Grom.
Thrall trying to save his friend's life by killing and sealing him.
When the fight ended, Thrall quickly sealed Grom into a Soul Gem and took the Soul Gem into a Ritual Circle thus freeing Grom. Realizing his mistake, Grom apologizes and he set out with Thrall to take down Mannoroth. Grom successfully drove his axe into the belly of the massive pit lord thus killing him. But it came with a high cost. Apparently Mannoroth had explosive energy that exploded out of his body and hit Grom thus killing him which signals the end of the Orc Campaign.


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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part B Undead Campaign

Undead Campaign Layout
After killing his own father and plunging Lordaeron in to chaos, the now corrupted Arthas flees to Vandermar village. Upon arriving, Arthas meets another dreadlord by the name of Tichondrius. Due to his experience with a previous dreadlord, Mal'Ganis, Arthas was like 

Tichondrius was like

After doing so, Arthas went Andorhal to recover the remains of a necromancer he killed, Kel'Thuzad. When he recovered it, Arthas was ordered to get a magical urn to carry Kel'Thuzad to Sunwell so he could be resurrected. Unfortunately, Uther and other paladins were guarding the urn, so Arthas was forced to kill Uther. Arthas soon marched to the Sunwell, leaving behind a trail of destruction. When Kel'Thuzad was resurrected, Arthas marched to a orc base that has a demon gate, so Kel'Thuzad can get instructions of what to do. After getting in contact with Archimonde, Kel'Thuzad said that he need an over-powered book, the Book of Medivh, to get the demon dude over here. As always, Arthas breaks into Dalaran and steals the book. Kel'Thuzad manages to summon Archimonde and the campaign ends when Archimonde swipes randomly at floating pieces of sand thus destroying Dalaran.  


Arthas trying to use logic to resurrect Kel'Thuzad right now other than traveling to the other side of the world with a smelly urn. 

What's this?! Tichondrius working for the Burning Legion?! Eh... that's fine.

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