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Considered as one of the best free-to-play MMORPGs, Rift offers entertainment for months and even years if you have time as your best friend. The game takes place on the magical world of Telara where the six elemental planes--Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Life, and Death-- try to kill everyone. With the help of the most powerful god, the Vigil, the defenders of Telara cast out Regulos into the elemental planes and the other five deities are chained beneath a ward. Unfortunately, Regulos came back really pissed off, destroyed the ward, and caused rifts to open. In order to take down Regulos, the two fractions, the Guardians who follow the Vigil and the Defiant who pursue science and technology, need over-powered dudes. That is when players come in. They play the roles of the ascended, over-powered dudes that were resurrected by either the Vigil (Guardian) or the technology copying the soul structure of the ascended Guardians (Defiant). After Regulos was taken down, one of the other five deities, Crucia, becomes the new threat and players once again have to take Crucia down like they did to Regulos. That is enough for story time. Let's go into the content it has to offer.
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