Wednesday, February 19, 2014

AMC 10 Reflection

"Yo yo homie G. You are going to take this test that is difficult as hell called the AMC 10. Have fun" said my math teacher in simple words as she hands us the test booklets for the AMC 10. I know for a fact that this is going to really damn difficult since they gives us 75 minutes for only 25 questions. That is literally 3 minutes to do a question and I heard the SAT will only give you a minute average to complete a problem. 

The concept of difficulty is very simple. 
-Time varies on the difficulty of the question
-SAT is apparently able to make a genius sweat.
-Gives a minute average to do a math question.
-Gives 3 minutes to do a question on the AMC 10
-AMC 10 = Massive headaches for overpowered math dudes.

Luckily this doesn't count at all to our grades so if we really have to, we can b.s. it and circle all the letters. But it doesn't seem fun to b.s. it, so I had my game face on when the proctor yell "GO FOO. YOU GOT THISSSSSS." I turned the page and went all rage mode. 1st Question "What is 1 + 1 = ?" Are you serious...? 2nd Question "What is 2 - 1 = ?" *facepalm* Noticing that the few couple of questions are easy, I zerg rush it all.

 On 9 and 10, I had to build up my roaches to counter it. 11 forced me to go the ultralisk strategy. 12 is game over.

I was able to solve the question but the answer wasn't one of the answer choices. After skipping a few, I was only able to do 3 questions out of 14. The last question was an overkill. "There is a stupid crab and 10 rocks. The crab must be on one of the rocks. One of the rocks is granite while another one has copper in it. What is the mass of the crab?"

Honestly right after reading that question, I wanted to do this 

Unfortunately, I will get kicked out of the room if I did that, so I just drew a happy face on it and never came back to it. NEVER. At the end of the test, I was half dead. I couldn't really think for a few hours because of that test. 

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