Sunday, April 6, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 4 Conclusion

Despite being a 2002 game, I actually prefer to play it over some of the "best" modern games around. The lore within the game is simply rich and amazing. The story was the beginning of World of Warcraft for goodness sake! Warcraft 3 was literally Starcraft 2 mashed up with World of Warcraft meaning the gameplay mechanics is very overwhelming with fun and intensity. To add more fuel to a fire in a good way, the graphics and voice acting were pretty damn amazing. The corpses and the interactions seemed very realistic to the fact that I actually had a dream where I was a footman in Hearthglen fighting off the undead. Nevertheless, this game kept me entertained for a long time thus deserving a 10 out of 10.
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 3 Multiplayer

Warcraft 3 is not only a single player game of course. In order to qualify as a Blizzard game, it must have multiplayer and it must be intensive as HELL. Noticed that I emphasize the hell part. Because it is. When playing a map created by Blizzard against a another players, my macro and micro skill increased by like a 100 times. Originally at the campaign, I usually click on the buttons and place it whatever. Also, I mass produced a certain unit and use it until the mission was complete. When playing against a player, I literally memorized the hot keys of all the units and structures of the night elves and I knew which unit can counter which unit. During the entire match, I noticed myself screaming on the top of my lungs, breaking my right mouse button, and slapping the keyboard constantly. I played a match against a player by the name of eViL_sAnDbOx. He was actually pretty good and really chill dude considering he tried to rush me using catapults and raiders (tier 2 units and tier 2 units = a long time to build) and he let me use the restroom since I apparently had diarrhea that day. That means he literally wasted 12 seconds doing something else other than researching upgrades, gathering resources, building structures, and spawning in units before he tried to rush me. Fortunately, my dudes were chilling at the center trying to get some mana when evil rushed in with raiders and catapults.

His troops consisted of a couple of grunts and troll headhunters, a kodo beast, two raiders, two catapults, and a level 1 hero... Obviously his units was prep for massive base destruction so he can finish me off quickly if I was busy teching thus instant win. My units on the other hand were somewhat solid. I had a level four hero with tier 2 mana burn so can quickly render heros or units that uses mana useless, a couple of archers for range attacks, huntresses to hit multiple troops at the same time with the Moonglaive upgrade, druids of the claw for the regeneration ability and bear form so they can soak up some damage and tank.

After pooping, I went back to game. Hero is killed quickly and almost all melee units are dead
After a 2nd poop, I dove back into the game feeling much better.  All of my bears are dead... Oh damn, they are trying to flank me!


After killing everyone, I rushed to his base with what I have. When I got there, he literally tried to kill my force with his swarming masses of peons. But in the end, there was only a smoldering mass of rubble and my night elves emerged victorious.  

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part E World Editor and Custom Games

Other following the story line multiple times, players can ditch away the hardcore strategies and immerse themselves in fun custom games that the Warcraft 3 community created by using a program that comes with the game called World Editor. Within the World Editor, anything could happen. The maps created in World Editor range from the simple maps with the hardcore mechanics of every Warcraft 3 mission and classic map to very complex and scripted maps that is basically an arena, a role-playing game, a maze, etc. 
World Edit
While goofing around, I came across one of the classic maps called Death Sheep. I had no idea what is the purpose, so I was like "Why the hell not?" I clicked test map and that button changed my life forever. The game WAS INTENSE AS HELL. I can only move to four spots to dodge an endless wave of sheep that takes away a life upon contact. There isn't only one type of sheep, there are a crap ton to my knowledge. 
- Regular sheep: just goes in one direction
- Crazy sheep: goes in multiple direction thus constantly changing the path it suppose to take
- Fat Sheep: Not sure what is does, but I think it takes away two lives instead of the normal one life. If not, then it just occupies a lot of space. Bigger sheep = Less space to move = closer to death.
- A pig?: I have no idea why the hell there is a pig but apparently it works like a regular sheep. 
Crap ton of sheep heading your way? Don't worry, use the special move to kill them all.

Damn, lost a life

After losing all your lives, you are now being mauled viciously by sheep.
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part D Night Elf Campaign

Night Elf Campaign's menu
The story went back in time to when stupid Grom and his clan of stupid orcs recently slaughtered Cenarius. Shandris Feathermoon and her Shadowleaf Sentinels ran to Tyrande Whisperwind and informed her of Cenarius' death. Other than killing the patron god for the night elves, the orcs apparently were corrupting wildlife. While being informed, Tyrande sensed a growing evil. Shandris suggested it may be the orcs, but Tyrande said that there was a darker power than the orcs. Still pissed off, Tyrande rounded the Sentinels to attack a joint base of human and orcs nearby. During the campaign, Tyrande encountered a group of furbolgs escaping the corruption. She helped them and in return, she got a Furbolg Champion and two handy Furbolgs to join her forces. 
While Tyrande was attacking the camp, hordes of undead swarmed the base, and the base was utterly destroyed. Tyrande tried to retreat, but the numbers were too massive. The undead caught up to them and it was revealed that the leader bore a name no one wants to hear ever: Archimonde. Archimonde killed her force and Tyrande escaped to the shadows by using the power of Elune. Not very happy, Archimonde ordered his doom guards to seek and destroy Tyrande. Knowing Archimonde is here, Tyrande rushed stealthily to the Shadowleaf encampement that was across the river. Since there are undead and demons everywhere, Tyrande must awaken the over-powered elves known as the druids, especially an over-powered druid, Malfurion Stormrage. Tyrande rushed to Moonglade. When she got there, Tichondrius and his company was hacking away trees to pay a visit to Malfurion Stormrage and the thing to wake up Malfurion, the Horn of Cenarius, was blocked by idiots.


 To save Malfurion, Tyrande killed all the idiots, took the horn, and blew into the horn to awaken the sleepy head. After waking up, Malfurion predicted that Archimonde is here to attack the Nordrassil, the World Tree and absorb the energy from the tree so he can have god-like powers. Obviously, they needed more homies to defend the tree, so the two lovers head to Winterspring to awaken the Druids of the Talon from their den. When they arrived, Tyrande and Malfurion encounter the same tribe of furbolgs that Tyrande helped before she attacked the joint base of humans and orcs. Unfortunately, the tribe was corrupted so the duo were forced to slaughter them. After waking the Druids of the Talon, Malfurion and Tyrande went to the base of Mount Hyjal to awaken more homies, the Druids of the Claw. While doing so, they came upon an eleven door and noticed that this door led to the imprisoned Illidan (first letter is an i while the two letters behind it are l's) Stormrage. Tyrande thought Illidan was a perfect ally against the demons, but Malfurion was against the freeing of his own brother. tyrande went her own way to free Illidan and Malfurion continues to free his homies.

I am not sure if this is an Easter egg or anything like that but I came across this...
After killing the Watchers and defying Maiev Shadowsong, Illidan's warden, Tyrande finally found Illidan and offers him a deal. Illidan goes free, but he must fight for the night elves and go against the demons. Illidan, still in love with Tyrande even though his brother is her mate and been trapped for a VERY long time (I think ten thousand years?), accepts the deal but he said that he would fight against the Burning Legion not for the pride of the night elves. After Illidan was freed, Tyrande took Illidan and met Malfurion. Malfurion was seriously against this and said that the world is screwed now or something similar to that. Pissed off, Illidan went to Felwood to go kill demons. While tracking demons, Illidan encounter Arthas (the corrupted one) and fought against him. After fighting, Illidan stopped the duel because the duel was pointless and demanded why Arthas is here. Arthas just said 


After going around and bashing all the demons he could find, Illidan found the skull and took it for himself. In an isntant, Illidan became a demon demon-hunter dude. He went around and finished off Tichondrius. When Tichondrius was defeated, Tyrande and Malfurion came to Felwood to check out Illidan and was horrified to find out that Illidan was jacked up with demonic power. Malfurion banished Illidan from the forest FOREVERRRRRRRR! Soon, the duo went to Ashenvale to chill, but they met the leaders of the outsiders: Jaina and Thrall. (Ring a bell?). Tyrande tried to shoo them away but Medivh, as always, appeared out of nowhere and told everyone that the Burning Legion is too o.p. (over-powered). 

He said that everyone must band together and fight against the Burning Legion. Since Archimonde wants to absorb the energies of Nordrassil, The joint force of orcs, humans, and night elves set up defenses for a last stand. Soon, the Burning Legion came and all was hell.



After fighting like hell for thirty minutes, Archimonde destroys everything and runs up the tree. I don't know how but Malfurion was able to fight off hordes of demons and undead and set up a trap that can kill Archimonde at the same time. Nevertheless, Archimonde gets himself killed like an idiot and  that ends the campaign for Warcraft 3. 

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part C Orc Campaign

Orc Campaign Menu
After Dalaran was destroyed by Acrhimonde, the story shifts over to Thrall and his horde as they crashed into Kalimdor. After exploring Kalimdor, finding more horde, and fighting against bizarre wildlife, Thrall met a new friend, Cairne Bloodhoof. Soon, an army of centaurs was about to attack Cairne's villiage, so Thrall decided to help out Cairne.
Risk your life and everyone else's to help out an old talking cow you just met? Why the hell not? Thrall's awesome logic. 
 After the centaurs were all dead, The duo noticed that the centaurs were huge dicks for they scared all the game away thus an attempt to starve the tauren. Since the tauren do not want to die, Cairne and his people are forced to abandon their homes and travel to Mulgore. Thrall and Cairne struck a deal. Thrall escorts Cairne and his people to Mulgore and Cairne will show Thrall where the Oracle is. As a tauren of his word, Cairne told Thrall that the Oracle he seeks is in Stonetalon Peak. Thrall went to the base of Stonetalon Peak, and he was very surprised to see his friend, Grom Hellscream, and his Warsong clan battling humans. Knowing that humans have basically took the entire pass, Thrall tried to get goblins to fly them to the top. When Thrall was about to buy zepplins, Grom rushed into combat like an idiot. Pissed off, Thrall ordered Grom to stay at Ashenvale. As Thrall went up the mountain, he again was surprised to find Cairne goofing around. Cairne suggested that they hijack wyverns from happies that love to kidnap stuff. After freeing the wyverns, the wyverns offer aid to the horde thus the horde were able to defeat the humans guarding the peak. Thrall and Cairne entered the mountain and found the chamber of the Oracle. They were surprised for the billionth time. Jaina was there and the Oracle was Medivh. After a conversation, Thrall found out that the blood thirsty Grom became corrupted again from drinking demon blood and seriously pissed off the night elves by killing their patron god, Cenarius. With the help of Cairne, Thrall fought through corrupted orcs and demons until he met Grom.
Thrall trying to save his friend's life by killing and sealing him.
When the fight ended, Thrall quickly sealed Grom into a Soul Gem and took the Soul Gem into a Ritual Circle thus freeing Grom. Realizing his mistake, Grom apologizes and he set out with Thrall to take down Mannoroth. Grom successfully drove his axe into the belly of the massive pit lord thus killing him. But it came with a high cost. Apparently Mannoroth had explosive energy that exploded out of his body and hit Grom thus killing him which signals the end of the Orc Campaign.


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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part B Undead Campaign

Undead Campaign Layout
After killing his own father and plunging Lordaeron in to chaos, the now corrupted Arthas flees to Vandermar village. Upon arriving, Arthas meets another dreadlord by the name of Tichondrius. Due to his experience with a previous dreadlord, Mal'Ganis, Arthas was like 

Tichondrius was like

After doing so, Arthas went Andorhal to recover the remains of a necromancer he killed, Kel'Thuzad. When he recovered it, Arthas was ordered to get a magical urn to carry Kel'Thuzad to Sunwell so he could be resurrected. Unfortunately, Uther and other paladins were guarding the urn, so Arthas was forced to kill Uther. Arthas soon marched to the Sunwell, leaving behind a trail of destruction. When Kel'Thuzad was resurrected, Arthas marched to a orc base that has a demon gate, so Kel'Thuzad can get instructions of what to do. After getting in contact with Archimonde, Kel'Thuzad said that he need an over-powered book, the Book of Medivh, to get the demon dude over here. As always, Arthas breaks into Dalaran and steals the book. Kel'Thuzad manages to summon Archimonde and the campaign ends when Archimonde swipes randomly at floating pieces of sand thus destroying Dalaran.  


Arthas trying to use logic to resurrect Kel'Thuzad right now other than traveling to the other side of the world with a smelly urn. 

What's this?! Tichondrius working for the Burning Legion?! Eh... that's fine.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 2 Single Player Part A Human Campaign

The layout of the Human Campaign.
As every player who plays a game for the first time, I went into the campaign and accidentally skipped the tutorial. While I was banging my head on the desk, the first mission took me into the story of Arthas, the young prince of Lordaeron. The story starts when Arthas went to Strahnbrad to meet up with his superior paladin and teacher, Uther the Lightbringer.  

When I originally intended to play the first mission only for a few minutes, I ended up spending the entire day trying to finish the campaign. As expected from the creators of Starcraft, Blizzard implemented their usual COMPLICATED-AS-HELL missions. At first, you control Arthas and a small group of footmen. Soon, you have to start building your bases from the ground up. A few missions later, Blizzard will throw in very pressuring factors such as

The Human Campaign tells the story of how Arthas went after the orcs to meeting Kel'Thuzad at Brill to tracking Mal'Ganis to eventually claiming Frostmourne. After Arthas killed the king, Jaina took her people and sailed to Kalimdor due to a Prophet. 
ARTHAS! Have you gone insane?

The claiming of Frostmourne and the beginning of the corruption. 


Hey Muradin. Whatca doing here homie?
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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Warcraft 3 Review Part 1 Introduction

One day, I was just goofing around in a closet when I stumbled upon a very suspicious thing. I grabbed a compressed duster and aimed at the thing. A few seconds later, I was running out of the closet with dust in my eyes. After a few minutes of recovery, I ventured into that dangerous closet with my shirt tied around my face. I picked up the object that caused a lot of pain and read the title. 
I started spazzing out. If my prediction was correct, then this is the game that leads up to all the events that occurred in one of my favorite childhood games, World of Warcraft. I slammed the disc into the laptop so hard that it also broke it apart. The risk was worth it for Warcraft 3 was an amazing game.

This is the menu of the game. It actually has very nice graphics even though it is a 2002 game
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Model United Nations Training Conference Day 3 Reflection

After oversleeping by a couple of minutes, I rushed outside to meet up with my delegation so we all can proceed into the gym for closing session. At the closing session, we simply told about how amazing this experience is. I looked to my left and right, and I found out that my homies didn't cared about this reflection crap. They only cared who got the positions. After the Secretary-General announced the winners for the country banner awards, she got ready to announce the officers for the MUN 2014. Everyone looked constipated in my delegation.

"The Under Secretary-General for ILO, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, and UNEP are Nic Castro, Alexandra Bazarsky, Zeke Shapiro, Allyson Velez, and Jane Bakhter respectively."
Layla frowned.

"The General Assembly President is Leonardo Viscomi."
Ben started cursing quietly.

"The International Court of Justice Vice President is Tiffany Chang."
Sofia put her head down.

"The Economic and Social Council President is Gene Kim."
Ella became sad.

"The Economic and Social Council Vice President is Clay Volino."
Matthew became upset.

Despite my delegation becoming sad, we got our usual happiness when we heard more positions.

"The Economic and Social Council 1st Committee Co-Chair is Matthew Kogan."
we gave a huge round of applause and a couple of cheers to him.

"The Economic and Social Council 3rd Committee Co-Chair is Tai Michaels."
West Valley gave him some love hence the nickname West Valley Delegation of One Love.

"The Assistant Secretary-General of General Assembly is Bryan Denq." 
I tried to be modest and humble, but it is insanely hard when there are 21 of your homies screaming their lungs out and spazzing out. One of them tried to dive bomb me. At the end of the closing session, Matthew, Tai, Jackson and I were pulled out to check with the staff of Leadership. He simply told us that there is a leadership training an hour earlier than start time of summit. Soon, the entire leadership and all Secretary-General canididates took a group picture
Spot me in the crowd! *
While the entire leadership was leaving, the Office of Secretary-General was pulled out and forced to take another group photo

THE OSG OF2014! Try to- never mind. *
we met up near our buses and talked about our experiences. A few minutes ago, the ones who didn't get the position were sad, but after talking, they were like "Fuck it, we are going to have fun at Summit and we already got some power in our delegation." Soon, the entire West Valley huddled together to take a group picture. 

After the photo was taken, we simply went home.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Model United Nations Training Conference Day 2 Reflection

"Pssst. Yo homie. Psst. Wanna go take a shower? Pssst." said Matthew, one of my friends rolling with West Valley. 
"Go away." groaned Ben, another friend who is also with West Valley. 
"Come on," I whispered quickly, "Unless you want to fight against like 50 dudes to get into the showers, then it is best to come with us. You were the one to come up with the idea to shower early in the first place!"
After 5 minutes of not seeing any movement, Matthew and I decided to push him off the bed. Upon contact, Ben jumped out the bed and got his shampoo, soap and his bathing suit. We went to the showers and spent 15 minutes figuring out how to turn it on. By then, there were a huge line of smelly delegates waiting for us. 
"Fuck this bullshit." said Ben and he punched the shower handle. The shower magically turned on. We were both happy and sad. Happy because the shower turned on and we can finally take a shower. Sad because the water was COLD AS HELL. We were screaming our lungs out and hugging each other trying to get warmth. The line was looking at us as if we were drunk kids that were spazzing out. One of the guys from East Valley, our brother and sister delegation, was like the hell, and he turned the knob. The water magically turned warm and Matthew, Ben, and I were rubbing ourselves with the water full of glee. After washing ourselves, we all got dressed up and four of our guys, Albert, Tai, Joel, and Ivan, were laughing their butts off after hearing what happened in the showers. After dressing up and half of our delegation looking sexy in their dresses/suits, we met up with the Lead Advisor and headed towards the gym for morning inspiration. In simple words, this is what the motivational speaker said.

"Yo mah homies from all over California! Listen up. Today is going to be a grueling day and you can't cut it without goals man. Goals is the top of the food chain here. No goals, no success. Write down your goals today and strive to achieve it foo." 

I wrote down my goal: To become the Assistant Secretary-General of General Assembly.

After listening to the motivational speaker and eating our breakfast like a boss. I met up with my homies from the West who were running for either an appointed position or an elected position and enter the room that teaches us leadership skills. After spending literally half the day simply learning how to set goals. The person who was instructing us told everyone to go to break and everyone who is running for any Assistant Secretary-General positions stay inside. It was time. I walk over there in my vest and tie and while I was doing that, my homies were screaming on top of their lungs as they walk out the door 
Well except for the cursing but the idea is still the same. They trying to get to me but there was like 25 delegates swarming them trying to get out the room. When all candidates were present, the staff (Zach and Wallis) in charge of the Office of the Secretary-General (OSG)  decided to forget the interviews and make us debate against each other. They made the candidates, Chef-de-Cabinet, Deputy Secretary-General, and the Secretary-General sit outside and the Secretary-General told us how is this gong to work.  

"Yo yo yo. The judges will be John, the Chef-de-Cabinet, Reiley, the Deputy Secretary-General, and myself, the Secretary-General. We will picked the best guys for the job by displaying your debate skills in this debate. Here in my hand, I have four non-profit organizations who needs the UN's money to support itself. I need your opinion on which organization gets selected. John start us off." 

After listening to the background of each organization, everyone in the group unanimously killed two and the real debate started between the two remaining organization. I picked a side and started to explain why this organization needs the money. After a few arguments, I noticed the debate is running like this 

I was basically fighting with a stick against people with swords and hammers. I knew my position was too weak, so I was force to give in. After a long debate in 90 degrees weather, all the candidates got up, rendezvous with their delegation, and have lunch. Throughout the entire lunch and activity, I was sweating like hell thinking about the position. I really wanted the position and my homies will be disappointed if I don't get it. When the time came, I went to the office to see the results. It was not there... Instead there was a note saying 
"GUESS WHAT FOO. Results coming soon, come back after your organ session." 
WHAT THE HELL. Disappointed, I went back to the place where the General Assembly sessions are taking place.

After a few minutes, I noticed my Lead Advisor standing near the exit and he motioned me to come over. When I got there, he told me some really stressful news. 
"Yo, we got an interview to go to."
Another heart attack occurred. I was thinking like GODDAMMIT I THOUGHT THEY KILLED THE INTERVIEW. I was already tired from the debate and now an interview. Damn. I just grab my backpack and rolled out with my Lead Advisor. When we got into the office, the staff told me to sit down along with three other candidates. I was like oh hell. The three candidates were the powerhouses of the debate so if I screw up, I'm screwed. Knowing I must make a pretty damn good impression, I straightened my tie even more and sat down with a professional air. I was really pumped up, it felt like it was like a last stand for me. Noticing I was very tense, Becca said
"Calm down bro, all four of you got the job." 
I couldn't breathe for a couple seconds and I got another heart attack. I wanted to scream, jump up and down, and hug all three judges with all of my strength. Instead, I sat there with my mouth opened like this.
But I wasn't the only one. I simply looked at the corner of my left eye and noticing the other three candidates doing the exact same thing. So the scene was something similar to this.


After hearing the results, we were all introduced to our Secretariats (high school students that help out with an organ): Riley Owen and Lande Watson. You might think what so special about these guys. Guess what. Riley Owen was the former Secretary-General for MUN 2012 and Lande Watson is the older sister of Clay Watson, former Secretary-General for MUN 2013. My delegation is huge fans of Riley Owen and Clay Watson, so they were very damn jealous of me. After introductions, we all started to work and. Soon, we actually needed a fifth assistant to help us out, so we all decided to get this guy named Travis. Before he came in, we all decided to give him a heart attack like the Big Three did to us. Unfortunately, it kind of went wrong and we got him confused as hell instead. Throughout the entire day, I was working my butt off on my research topics. Of course we had a break in between which was called the Cookie Break. We only just chilled, ate cookies, and drank milk. During that time, I told my entire delegation the good news and all the homies who were running for positions got like an instant boost up to their spirits and campaign like they never did before. After the Cookie Break, each assistant introduced themselves to the organ of which they were representing by giving them a little speech telling them "Yo I your Assistant Secretary-General of the organ I working with." and continued to work on the research topics until we were called to be the judges of the country banners. I was very close to getting one of the countries from my delegation to be becoming for the prettiest banner, but it wasn't accepted for the Secretary-General spotted a prettier banner. 
The Kingdom of Belgium was in my delegation. I almost got my delegation a place into the country awards, but some unfortunate thing happened. *
Secretary-General spotted the middle South Korea with a picture of PSY (I never got the big hoopla about him) and decided that is the prettiest banner. *
When we gave our decision to the staff, we head back to the office and worked until the day was over.  After the day was over, I danced like a mad man at the gym for there was a dance party that is mandatory to attend. 
The place was cramped as hell. *
When the party was over, I crashed onto my cot and slept like a tired baby.   

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Model United Nations Training Conference Day 1 Reflection

"Alright West Valley homies, you have worked hard ever since we have started, but now we get to the real deal. Everything you have learned are going to put to the test at the training conference in Camp Roberts. At the training conference, you will learn materials that will be at the Summit and there the officers are selected, both appointed and elected." said my Lead Advisor at the last meeting before the training camp. My body was shaking because of fear and excitement. I was excited because as a veteran, I know the training camp is going to be fun and all the veterans including me were running for officer positions, so if everything goes well, we will have complete control over General Assembly and partial power in three organs (Economic and Social Council, Non-Governmental Organizations, and International Court of Justice.). I was fearful because 
1. I am not guarantee the position for usually the elite veterans go all rage mode after what I am running for. An Assistant Secretary-General is a rather respectable and highly regarded position that people would kill to have. 

2. Everyone in my delegation expected me to get the position. If I fail, then the monopoly will fall.

3. I SUCK at interviews. It feels like an intensive interrogation and one false word,  I am digging my own grave.

When the day of departure came around, I walk into my assigned charter bus and found out that we won't rolling with our usual homie delegation, East Valley. Instead, we are sharing buses with a delegation called the North Valley Delegation. Nevertheless, North Valley represents the valley name, so we chilled with them. While the West was at my back, across, and in front of me, I noticed there was a single North Valley delegate sitting diagonally from me. Since this is a program to make new friends that will last for a life time, I was like "Why the hell not?". I offer that man a Hello Panda cookie. In return, he offers me some sea salted almonds. 

BEST FREAKING DECISION EVER! The almonds were delicious as hell. I could jumped on man, mugged his almonds, broke out the bus through the windows, and devoured the almonds. But, I decided to be civilized and not have rabies. After the offerings, the man introduced himself as John D. Wargowski, the Chef-de-Cabinet. I was like mind blown. The second highest ranking officer in the entire MUN and one of the judges for the positions of Assistant Secretary-General was in the same bus as me. In this type of situation, people usually fawn the judge to death to increase the chances of getting picked, but I believe that the idea of fawning is simply stupid and will not get anywhere. If I were to "fawn", then I would do it because :
1. The fact is true and everyone is aware of it
2. I know it very well and admire the person for it
3. A compliment a day wouldn't hurt anyone would it?
4. I will do it AFTER the event (interview, competition, etc.) happened regardless if I get the award and/or position
So, I was like damn bro, respect level increase tenfold. For some time, we had some small talk, but the talking stopped as we approached the camp. Unfortunately, North Valley can't roll with the West Valley so I say my farewells to John. After a pep talk from the Lead Advisor, the West and East Valley were half dead from starvation. Soon, West and East were like beating each other up the pizza. After the Advisors rushed in and calmed the storm by fighting fire with fire, everyone got a slice and ate like there was no tomorrow

When there were trashcans filled with pizza boxes to the brim, West and East went into the barracks and shoved all of our crap into the lockers. After settling in and prepping up for bed. We marched like a boss and broke down the gym as if it was nothing man. 

There was no one in the gym... WEST AND EAST PRIDE LEVEL UP. We were like 
'First come, first serve!" We walked as we were kings of the world and quickly sat down and showed respect  
Just us chilling here... for now *
Try to find me!
BUT WAIT! I THOUGHT THERE WAS NO ONE THERE, SO WHY NOT CHILL AND TALK? Because the highest ranking officer was in the room, the Secretary General, and she was practicing her speech to us. 
Secretary-General, one of the people who will decide if I emerge as an Assistant or not.
As nostalgia rush through my mind, I only grinned. "Long time, no see eh Becca?" Rebecca Rose, a former West Valley delegate and current East Valley delegate and Secretary-General, went over her words to see if anything was wrong. A few minutes later, all the other delegations from all over California arrived in the gym and opening session was commenced. We were simply told about the background of the program, the ambassador pledge, and all the candidates for all the elected positions except Secretary-General. The campaign for Secretary-General is waged on the very thing we have been working for a long, long time: Summit. When the motion to adjourn meeting was passed, West and East went to the barracks and crashed onto the cots. Day 1 was over 

An aerial shot of the military base we are staying in. Camp Roberts * 
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Model United Nations Background

All of this info is necessary to understand what I am talking about

The definition of fun is basically Model United Nations (MUN) for it is like a middle school version of the actual United Nations. In MUN, you can roll as an ambassador of a country, journalist, or part of a advocacy group. Since this is similar to the United Nations, students participating in this will research, debate and conjure resolutions to certain international problems that are currently affecting the world. 

Just with one year of the MUN is able to increase
  • Confidence in oneself
  • Speech and Debate Skills
  • Leadership ability
  • and the number of friends (it is not just one friend... it's a CRAP TON OF AMAZING PEOPLE!) 

Using the United Nations as the model, the chain of command in the MUN is very big. From my experience from General Assembly, this is how it works from lowest to highest.

Regular Delegate of General Assembly

The Delegates are basically your average ambassador. Everyone is this when they join if they didn't apply for a position. Every delegate is part of one of the committees and part of the General Assembly if they sign up for General Assembly

General Assembly Committee Chair 

The Committee Chair oversees their committee and makes sure that their committee creates a resolution for the General Assembly to hear. This is an appointed position, so in order to become Committee Chair, the person must be interviewed by the staff of General Assembly and get accepted.   

General Assembly Vice President

The Vice President helps out with the President oversee the General Assembly and takes over if President is not available. This is an elected position, so the person must campaign, persuade his/her fellow delegates to vote for him/her, and gets the most amount of votes to get the position.

General Assembly President

The President oversees the entire General Assembly. This is an elected position like the Vice President.

(Every position below this sentence is part of an organ called the Office of Secretary General. Even though in a different organ, these three positions works with General Assembly )

Assistant Secretary General of General Assembly Affairs 

The Assistant reports to the Deputy, helps out the Secretary General and the Deputy, and deliver the opinion of the Office of Secretary General on the topics that the General Assembly is working on to the General Assembly. This is an appointed position, but tougher to get. The staff of the Office of Secretary General, the Chef-de-Cabinet (equals to Deputy), Deputy, and the Secretary General interviews you. 

Deputy Secretary General

The Deputy is the right hand man of the Secretary General and the Assistant reports to him/her. This is an appointed position, but extremely difficult to get. You must be picked by the Secretary General him/herself and usually who gets this position is the runner-up for Secretary General.  

Secretary General 

The Secretary General oversees the entire MUN. This is an elected position. To get it, the person must campaign and get the most amount of votes in the entire MUN program to be Secretary General. 

The sexy organization that runs the MUN.