Friday, February 28, 2014

Birthday Reflection



I never really understood the excitement . It seems like an average typical day except you just add 1 to your current age to me. Even though a birthday seems like a typical day to me, people think the complete opposite. I always see someone running around in circle and screaming on top of their lungs "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!". Other than screaming and making a hoopla of it, people at my school tend to take it a little overboard. Apparently, when it is someone's birthday, it is like they can do whatever they want with no regrets except federal crimes or anything that is dangerous. Once, I saw a party of people in one area and in the middle, the birthday boy trying to flirt with a girl by drinking her juice. Other than doing seemingly useless actions, they go home and their family have like a cake big as the table itself ready for him/her to eat. Just like the birthday person at school, the family scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" as if they were very constipated. At the end of the song, the birthday boy/girl gets to eat like the entire cake. 
The cake they get are like hardcore and amazing in design. 
For example:

On the other hand, my birthday is literally like an average day. The only difference is that people say happy birthday and my family gave me an Oreo with a happy face on it. I feel the same as I do when I turned 13, mentally, emotionally, and physically. 
This is all I got for my birthday other than having a scoop of ice cream and a chocolate muffin
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Laser Tag Reflection

"Major Bryan, the troops on the front line request your aid! Head to Ultrazone in Sherman Oaks and give the enemy hell!" said the president of the student council as he slammed a flyer for a fundraiser at Ultrazone in Sherman Oaks at my desk. Smiling, I grab the paper and threw $15 at him and bolt out. Arriving at the scene with a few of my homies, the troops we were suppose to help out were relieved to see us. With a few games of shooting people with lasers, the troops and my group crushed the opposition. Laser tag is a seriously fun game to goof around especially with friends and playing like a professional. Who doesn't want to in a game with 35 of your homies walking around, shooting lasers, and screaming their lungs out? For all of those who don't know how to play laser tag, the rules are very simple and guarantee fun for everyone, including a three year old. He was all happy even though he couldn't life the gun.

- run (unless you want to collide with someone who have a vest made out of very strong plastic that could give you a bruise or a bloody nose.)
- camp (That kills the fun and very cheap. Who wants to stand in the corner shooting the same person? Also, camping is consider a cheap way to get points.)
- stalk (No one wants an idiot following and shooting him/her all over the place.)
- stand literally in front of an enemy's face and shoot him/her constantly (That is just plain stupid.)

- have a sportsmanship conduct (A sore loser is always hated.)
- watch you are going (You may never know when you trip over someone. The rooms are dark and lights are your only visual.) 
- have fun (What is the purpose of playing laser tag in the first place?)

For like two games, everyone who was playing was following the rules, so everything went smoothly and was fun. Unfortunately, the next few games included idiots. There are three teams: red, blue, and yellow. My homies and I were on the yellow team and we were called the Dandelions. When I turned around a corner, there were 5 blue guys sitting on the floor and as a result, I was sniped quickly. I disengaged from that corner and walk towards another area. Guess what. The same 5 blue dudes were right behind me and farming the crap out of me. After the game was over, one of my homies complained that the entire red team was at the red base and sitting behind the entrance in. Another one said that he was being stalked through out the entire game. Laser tag is only fun with friends, but very frustrating and disappointing when there are idiots in the game.
Get your pack. We are going to war. *

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

AMC 10 Reflection

"Yo yo homie G. You are going to take this test that is difficult as hell called the AMC 10. Have fun" said my math teacher in simple words as she hands us the test booklets for the AMC 10. I know for a fact that this is going to really damn difficult since they gives us 75 minutes for only 25 questions. That is literally 3 minutes to do a question and I heard the SAT will only give you a minute average to complete a problem. 

The concept of difficulty is very simple. 
-Time varies on the difficulty of the question
-SAT is apparently able to make a genius sweat.
-Gives a minute average to do a math question.
-Gives 3 minutes to do a question on the AMC 10
-AMC 10 = Massive headaches for overpowered math dudes.

Luckily this doesn't count at all to our grades so if we really have to, we can b.s. it and circle all the letters. But it doesn't seem fun to b.s. it, so I had my game face on when the proctor yell "GO FOO. YOU GOT THISSSSSS." I turned the page and went all rage mode. 1st Question "What is 1 + 1 = ?" Are you serious...? 2nd Question "What is 2 - 1 = ?" *facepalm* Noticing that the few couple of questions are easy, I zerg rush it all.

 On 9 and 10, I had to build up my roaches to counter it. 11 forced me to go the ultralisk strategy. 12 is game over.

I was able to solve the question but the answer wasn't one of the answer choices. After skipping a few, I was only able to do 3 questions out of 14. The last question was an overkill. "There is a stupid crab and 10 rocks. The crab must be on one of the rocks. One of the rocks is granite while another one has copper in it. What is the mass of the crab?"

Honestly right after reading that question, I wanted to do this 

Unfortunately, I will get kicked out of the room if I did that, so I just drew a happy face on it and never came back to it. NEVER. At the end of the test, I was half dead. I couldn't really think for a few hours because of that test. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Reflection

Today is the day of love!
The heart. The stereotypical symbol for Valentine's day and Valentine's day is the typical symbol of how lonely usually someone is *  

WOOOOOOoooooo... Honestly, I never understood the purpose of this holiday. Sure it is a holiday to go around and express your love to someone you have been stalking for years and other things, but what if you have no one? This question was brought up into my mind when I was just goofing around a classroom at the beginning of school. When everyone arrived, almost everyone I see was giving each other gifts, hugs, kisses, and etc. What I mean by almost everyone, I meant a horde of kids. All you got to do is to look down a hallway and all you can see is red and white colors, humans, and acts of affection. Of course the feeling of not being one with the group kicks in and I end up reading a book in a classroom by myself while all my friends were flirting with each other. I guess this holiday is only focuses on the ones who are dating or in love. What do the loners do? Probably to make them realize that they are lonely and they should go get someone. But only a few will actually get off the couch and grab someone. The majority will only realize how damn lonely they are and depression will soon follow. In the end, all I ask for the people that are participating in flirting and other things is to not do it in front of loners. I mean you can do it all day long and anywhere, but just don't do it in front of a lonely person. It will only make them suffer even more.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rift Review Part 6 Conclusion

After playing Rift for a few months, it is probably one of the best MMORPGs that I ever played. With a huge variety of things that are able to take the player's imagination and role-playing skills to the max, multiple game modes that will force the player to smash their keyboards, and intense npc battles that can give any smart player a headache, Rift is able to to entertain anyone for years to come. This game gets a rating of 10 out of 10.
Asha Catari needs you on the front lines Ascended! For the Defiant! *

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rift Review Part 5 PvE

Hardcore Player vs. Everyone (PvE)
If pretending to be a regular armor smith or guarding the Codex against a horde of players rushing to you all by yourself happens so to be not interesting, then roll into the regions and do PvE. Like the name suggest, PvE is a type of multiplayer interactive conflict when the player fights against the non-controllable players (npcs). "That sounds boring. Who shanks a npc? Everyone can do that." True, but it it doesn't apply to some cases. There are basically two types of npcs. One is from the world of Telara and another one is from the elemental planes. The ones from the elemental planes are much stronger than the ones from Telara. Why? Probably they want to kill you and everyone else. The only way these tough dudes to get to Telara is through something called a rift. Once the rift is opened, monsters start pouring through and it is your job to kill them all. Every once a while, there will be something called a major invasion. A major invasion is basically when one of the six deities gets into a bad mood, he or she will send out a ranked soldier (lieutenant, servant, harbinger, etc.) and a crap ton of mobs toward a region for complete annihilation.
A plain, old earth rift. Nothing a group of ascended can't handle
Oh crap! Inhibrius is here! Call all homies to arms!

Even though weaker than the mobs from the elemental planes, the ones on Telara gives a hell of a fight before going down. Actually, some of the mobs of Telara are even tougher to kill than the mobs from the elemental planes. Since they are tougher, the certain mobs requires heavy thinking, clever strategy, and extreme skill in order to combat. Let me give you a situation. There is only one mob in the room and you are by yourself. You have 1,500 health and do 230 damage each hit and heal 100 health while the mob you are trying to kill have 4,000 health and does 100 damage each hit and every 30 seconds, the mob will do an area that surrounds 1/8 of the room and kills you within 5 seconds. How can you get this guy? Due to the difficulty, I am not sure you can solo and not die. Might as well bring a homie to back you up.
BOSS FIGHT! Will the brave ascended defeat this boss? *
He seems tough. Gotta bring a homie with you, maybe two for this guy. *
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rift Review Part 4 PvP

Extremely Entertaining Player vs. Player (PvP) 

If role playing is not what you usually roll with, then you should dive into the PvP of Rift. As the name suggest, PvP is a type of multiplayer interactive conflict when the player simply fights against another player. Rift clearly displays many modes of PvP with each their own uniqueness and creativity. One very simple mode of PvP is a duel. If two players are either bored or want to settle an argument, then they duel each other. Rules are simple: whoever is able to kill the opponent first wins and whoever leaves the dueling area first after some time loses. Another game mode will be domination, called Codex in rift. In Codex, two teams of 15 players max compete against each other to get 1,000 points with a time limit. First team to 1,000 points or have the most points by the end of 15 minutes wins. In order to get points, the team must capture bases, and the bases overtime will give the team that captured the base points. Three bases will each give 3 points and 1 base, the Codex, will give 5 points overtime.  
Codex in action! It seems the Guardians are bashing everyone they see... Nevertheless, the Defiant gives a hell of a fight. *

Two players trying to kill each other over the issue of an Oreo. *

Ah. Whitefall Steppes. Literally capture the flag to three points, but the flag is in the middle and everyone must get three flags in their respective base. To make things more chaotic, you can steal your enemy's flag!
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rift Review Part 3 Story Time

Very Immersive Stories
Okay ascended. This is I want you to do. Go kill around some skeletons and while you are at it, go after Jakob and free Freemarch from his evilness. As simple as it sounds, I was like "Hellz yea! I got you bro. I got you!" and went around bashing everything I see to death in the Iron Fortress. Frankly, I have never been excited this when I was doing the story line. With nice voice acting, interesting plots, and exceptional game play, it feels like I am actually in the Telara freeing people from an evil tyrant, defeating a titan, and other good old deeds to can make any ascended proud. 
The Iron Fortress, the place where Jakob and his evil homies reside, was filled with dead bodies after a sightseeing trip there. *
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Rift Review Part 2 The World

A Freaking Vast World

The world is simply damn huge. It simply takes like two or three hours to walk a region and there are 24 regions. Let's do some simple math shall we? It is about... 3 days of pure walking. Sure it is only three days of walking around, what does that mean? Oh I don't know, maybe it means that the world is big as hell. For all the RPGers who take their role playing seriously and want many terrains at their disposal, this is paradise. Who doesn't want having a campfire with their friends in the frozen mountains of Iron Pine Peak, racing their new horse across the plains of Freemarch, looking for precious stones in the deep gorges of Scarlet Gorge, running away from 20 foot tall walking trees that thirst for blood in the heavy vegetation of Scarwood Reach, or even finding the cannibal trolls in the lost civilization of City Core. With diverse terrains, Rift took role playing to the next level.
The Bevane and Dusken *

Mathosia *
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Rift Review Part 1 Introduction

For all MMORPG lovers who are trying to find a game filled with fun elements to the brim and not want to pay a crap ton of cash, find no longer! There is game simply called

Considered as one of the best free-to-play MMORPGs, Rift offers entertainment for months and even years if you have time as your best friend. The game takes place on the magical world of Telara where the six elemental planes--Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Life, and Death-- try to kill everyone. With the help of the most powerful god, the Vigil, the defenders of Telara cast out Regulos into the elemental planes and the other five deities are chained beneath a ward. Unfortunately, Regulos came back really pissed off, destroyed the ward, and caused rifts to open. In order to take down Regulos, the two fractions, the Guardians who follow the Vigil and the Defiant who pursue science and technology, need over-powered dudes. That is when players come in. They play the roles of the ascended, over-powered dudes that were resurrected by either the Vigil (Guardian) or the technology copying the soul structure of the ascended Guardians (Defiant). After Regulos was taken down, one of the other five deities, Crucia, becomes the new threat and players once again have to take Crucia down like they did to Regulos. That is enough for story time. Let's go into the content it has to offer.

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